Kuala Lumpur Statement
Movers Chiswell, P.
That this General Synod:
(a) notes the Kuala Lumpur Statement issued by Anglican delegates from Provinces in the Developing World
who met at the Second Anglican Encounter held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 1997; and
(b) takes seriously the concerns of Anglicans from developing nations in affirming a faithful assertion of
Biblical and the long held traditional Anglican teaching on human sexuality; and
(c) calls on the members of this Synod who will attend Lambeth 1998 to study and respond sympathetically
and constructively to the Kuala Lumpur statement;
(d) requests the Standing Committee to appoint a task force to prepare an Australian Anglican statement
on human sexuality, with particular reference to discipline in this Church, for consideration by the next General Synod.
[Bishop P. Chiswell – 20-2-98]
Resolution year: 1998
Resolution number: 70/98