The Reverend Dr Bruce Kaye

Movers Watson, P.

This General Synod resolves to place on record its appreciation and gratitude for the service and leadership of the General Secretary. The Reverend Dr Bruce Kaye during his ten year tenure of office, at this his last General Synod of the Anglican Church of Australia.

During that decade Dr Kaye has given both leadership and direction, not only to the life of the General Synod, its Standing Committee and Commissions, but has also succeeded in creating patterns of openness and mutual understanding, both by the establishment of new structures and opportunities for meeting for the exchanging of insights and convictions to the enrichment of the Anglican Church in Australia as a whole. He has planned and executed four General Synods. He has introduced changes to the Synod format to facilitate decision-making by allowing a greater role for the work of small groups. Dr Kaye was also responsible for initiating, promoting and planning the National Anglican Conferences in 1997 in Canberra and in 2002 in Sydney. The Canberra Conference with over 1000 participants was the largest national gathering of Anglicans since the establishment of our National Church Constitution in 1962.

Dr Kaye’s service as General Secretary has been marked by theological scholarship and vision, and also by outstanding administrative gifts, which have benefited both the Anglican Church in this country and the Anglican Communion as a whole The Church and the General Synod are indebted to him. In his administration of the many General Synod bodies Dr Kaye has brought a sense of national cohesion, founded upon what is means to be Anglican in the 21st Century.

And in so resolving, this General Synod extends to Dr Kaye and his wife very good wishes for the future before them.

Peter Watson – 7 Oct 04

Resolution year: 2004
Resolution number: 66/04