Ecumenical Relationships & The Traditional Anglican Communion
Movers Noble, J.
That this General Synod:
1. Thanks the Primate for his encouragement to continue on the ecumenical journey.
2. Rejoices in the various conversations with our sisters and brothers of the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Lutheran and Uniting Churches and pray that these relationships will develop during the years ahead.
3. Endorses the Primate’s expressions of concern at the ecumenical implications of the actions of the Diocese of New Westminster and the consecration of the Bishop of New Hampshire.
4. (a) Endorses the Primate’s encouragement to preserve the most friendly and creative relationship possible with Archbishop Hepworth and the members of the Traditional Anglican Communion.
(b) expresses its deep concern at the distress and confusion felt by the people of the Torres Strait and the members of its Church as a result of the establishment of the Church of Torres Strait and the recent further split in that Church.
(c) expresses its dismay that most of the Anglican Parishes of the Torres Strait Region in the Diocese of North Queensland have been listed on the website of the Traditional Anglican Communion as belonging to that Communion.
(d) commits itself to working openly and honestly with the Traditional Anglican Communion in pursuit of that unity for which our Lord prayed.
John Noble – 8 Oct 04
Resolution year: 2004
Resolution number: 68/04