Time Limit on Speeches on National Register Canon 2007 and Protocols
Movers Blake, G.
That Standing Orders be suspended to the extent necessary to enable the mover and seconder to speak for a total of 30 minutes, including a Powerpoint presentation, on the motions that the Bill for the National Register Canon 2007 be approved in principle and the motions for approval of the following protocols:
(a) Protocol for provision of Information for inclusion in the National Register 2007;
(b) Protocol for access and disclosure of Information in the National Register 2007;
(c) Protocol to ascertain the existence and obtain a copy of any Information in the National Register 2007;
(d) Protocol for amendment of Information in the National Register 2007;
followed by questions on any of the motions, and thereafter consideration in turn of each of the motions.
Mr Garth Blake, SC moved, Bishop John Parkes seconding, 20 Oct 07
Resolution year: 2007
Resolution number: 17/07