Human Rights

Movers Forsyth, R.

Bishop Robert Forsyth moved, Dr Karin Sowada seconded,

That the General Synod:

(i) affirms the importance of freedom of religion and its manifestation in the related freedoms of speech, association and conscience for a healthy and mature society; and
(ii) declaring its opinion that such freedoms are at risk of being undermined in Australian society due to a focus on other, sometimes competing, rights, calls on the Federal, State and Territory governments to take steps to ensure that the freedoms of religion, speech, association and conscience are protected, strengthened and promoted; and
(iii) calls on the Federal Government to continue its advocacy of such freedoms internationally through diplomatic channels and other appropriate instruments of global engagement; and
(iv) respectfully request the Primate to convey the above terms of this resolution to the Prime Minister, the Premiers of the States, the Chief Ministers of the Territories and their respective Attorneys General.

1 July 2014

Resolution year: 2014
Resolution number: 38/14