Professional Standards Commission Report

Movers Anderson, G

Bishop Greg Anderson moved, Ms Dianne Shay seconding

The General Synod:
(a) receives the report of the Professional Standards Commission;
(b) recommends that each diocese:
(i) publish a list of appropriately qualified people as professional supervisors for those in pastoral ministry and promote the use of their services;
(ii) include a component for professional supervision in recommended financial packages for those in pastoral ministry;
(c) requests the Standing Committee to explore with the dioceses the development of a nationally consistent approach to professional standards legislation with particular reference to its application to child abuse;
(d) requests the Safe Ministry Commission:
(i) to measure and review the Church’s progress towards being a child safe institution in the light of the elements identified in the report of the Royal Commission Creating Child Safe Institutions issued in July 2016;
(ii) to analyse the final report of the Royal Commission and make recommendations as to actions to be taken;
(iii) to develop an audio visual resource for use in dioceses that provides information to ministers, churchwardens and parish councils about the implementation of the Policy for Safe Ministry in a parish where there is a risk of sexual abuse by a Person of Concern and the issues raised by the participation of a Person of Concern in the life of a parish;
(iv) to develop a resource for use in dioceses for providing care for families who have experienced premature death of a family member due to child sexual abuse;
(v) to identify and recommend resources for use in dioceses for responding to family and domestic violence;
(vi) to report to the 18th General Synod as to the progress of the Church in the development and implementation of safe ministry policies and structures.

4 September 2017

Resolution year: 2017
Resolution number: 20/17