500th Anniversary of the Reformation
Movers Harris, T
Bishop Tim Harris moving, The Rev’d Canon Dr Matthew Anstey seconding
Noting the five-hundredth anniversary in 2017 of Martin Luther’s nailing 95 Theses of protest to the door of the castle church in Wittenburg on October 31, 1517, regarded by many as a significant catalyst in inaugurating protestant reformations in Europe, and recognising Lutherans as partners with Anglicans in ongoing reforming traditions that encompass a variety of denominations and expressions of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church of Christ;
and further noting the resolution of ACC 16:16 that:
“The Anglican Consultative Council
1. recognizes the significance of the five-hundredth anniversary of the Reformation, which will be marked in 2017; and
2. encourages Anglicans across the Communion to be a part of the commemorations by joining in shared services, undertaking study with Lutherans and other ecumenical partners, and engaging with them in mission activities; and
3. recommends that Anglicans engage with the Lutheran World Federation’s focus: Liberated by God’s Grace,”;
The General Synod:
a) gives thanks to our heavenly Father for the Reformation of the sixteenth century,
b) gives thanks to Almighty God that in the grace and mercy of God, the Church continues to be reformed, and seeks ever to be so,
c) encourages members of the Anglican Church of Australia to join with our ecumenical partners; and especially the Lutheran Church of Australia, in commemorating this occasion, through shared worship, bible study and partnership in mission and ministry projects;
d) affirms the importance of hearing God’s Word in the common tongue, and the practice of regular public reading of the Holy Scriptures through authorised lectionaries; and
e) affirms the regular liturgical expression of the wholesome and comforting doctrine that we are justified by faith only, by the merits and death of God’s Son Jesus Christ, and through faith in his blood; and
f) recommends for study and discussion the biblical and spiritual reflections contained in Liberated by God’s Grace: Anglican-Lutheran Reflections (LWF 2017), produced by the Anglican-Lutheran International Coordinating Committee (ALICC4).
7 September 2017
Resolution year: 2017
Resolution number: 53/17