Assisted Dying
Movers Cooper-Clarke, D
Dr Denise Cooper-Clarke moving, Dr Karin Sowada seconding,
General Synod, recognising the continued push for laws concerning ‘assisted dying’ in a number of Australian States –
a) notes Synod Resolution 81/10, affirming the sanctity of life; that life is God’s gift and that our task is to protect, nurture and sustain life to the best of our ability;
b) notes that in 1995, Synod expressed its opposition to euthanasia in response to legislation passed by the Northern Territory Parliament;
c) opposes the legalisation of assisted dying;
d) urges all Australian State and Territory governments to better resource palliative care services, including in regional and remote communities, Aboriginal communities and nursing homes, and to provide better training in palliative care for all health professionals; and
e) recognising the vital contribution made by people of faith to public debate, urges Australian Anglicans to contact their MP’s to express their views, particularly in NSW and Victoria where legislation will be debated this year.
8 September 2017
Resolution year: 2017
Resolution number: 63/17