General Synod Arrangements
Movers Mullins, D
The General Synod gratefully thanks
The President, Archbishop Geoff Smith,
The Chair of Committees and the Deputy Chairs of Committees,
for their careful carriage of the business of the General Synod;
The Clerical Secretary and the Lay Secretary;
The Presidents Chaplain;
The Diocese of Brisbane for their generous assistance with local arrangements;
The members of the Minutes Reading Committee;
The members of the Election and Qualifications Committee;
The Liturgy Committee, worship leaders and chaplains;
Our Bible Reflection leaders;
The Media Team;
Those who have supported this General Synod through travel arrangements, event management, The RACV Resort;
The General Secretary, Ms Anne Hywood, and the General Synod Office team for their work which has provided for such a smooth and successful meeting;
The Primates Executive Assistant;
and all members of the General Synod.
Justice Debra Mullins OA moving, Rt Revd Cameron Venables seconding
Resolution year: 2022
Resolution number: 111/18