General Synod Office
The General Synod functions as a forum for the 23 Dioceses of the Anglican Church of Australia to consider and determine matters in the affairs of the Church and in the Church’s engagement with society.
The General Synod Office provides for the efficient functioning of the General Synod, Secretariat support to the Standing Committee and its Executive Committee, resources its commissions, task forces and working groups and supports the functions of the Primate.
The Office is based in Sydney and the General Secretary leads a small team to deliver financial, administrative, project management and secretariat services to support the implementation of General Synod objectives.
The primary mission of the General Synod Office is to assist the Church in its engagement with Australian society.
Five strategies have been developed as a means of implementing this mission as we seek to:
- develop the work of the national institutions
- provide ideas and initiatives directly
- be more efficient in the use of our resources
- offer our advice in the area of finance and administration
- and develop effective communications within the church and with the public arena.
Contact the General Synod Office
Anglican Church of Australia
Suite 4, Level 5
189 Kent Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Reception Hours: Monday to Friday 8.30am – 5.00pm
Office Telephone: +61 2 8267 2700
Office Fax: +61 2 8267 2727
Postal Address: same as street address above
General Enquiries: [Please use the form below to submit your online enquiries to us]