The Church of South India

Movers Sharwood, A.L.

That in accordance with Resolution No. 48 of the 1968 Lambeth Conference, this Synod

(a) agrees that when a bishop of episcopally ordained minister of the Church of South India visits this country
and exercises his ministry in Anglican churches, there should be no restriction on the exercise of his ministry in other churches with which the Church of South India is in communion, and

(b) expresses its warm desire to enter into full communion with the Church of South India and resolves to foster
fellowship and co-operation which this involves.

(c) requests the Primate to convey to the Moderator of the Church of South India our warm greetings together
with the substance of sections (a) and (b) of this motion.

(The Reverend Canon A.L. Sharwood, 23.6.69)

Resolution year: 1969
Resolution number: 29/69