Reconstitution of the Commission on Ministry

Movers Bishop of North Queensland

That the General Synod requests the Primate in consultation with the Standing Committee to reconstitute the Commission on Ministry as set up by the General Synod in 1973 with the following objectives:

(1) to keep abreast of new ideas and trends in the areas of ministry;

(2) to work out more fully the new concepts of ministry examined by the previous Commission e.g. “Total
Ministry” and “The Ministry Centre”;

(3) to provide the dioceses of the Church of England in Australia with a continuing Commission on Ministry,
which can:-

(a) dispense information
(b) pool expertise
(c) monitor experimentation
(d) guard traditions;

(4) to promote and co-ordinate all aspects of the training of the ordained ministry of this Church both before
and after ordination;

(5) to conduct further research on Lay Ministry Training in order to provide for the dispersal of information to
clergy and parishes for the greater participation of lay readers in the ministry of the Church;

(6) and such other objectives, if any, as the Standing Committee shall deem necessary or proper;

(7) and to take any action necessary in regard to recommendations referred to this Synod in the Report.

(The Bishop of North Queensland, 1.9.77)

Resolution year: 1977
Resolution number: 50/77