Advancement of Aboriginal and Islander Australians

Movers Archbishop of Brisbane

That this Synod, recognising the common humanity of the Aboriginal, Torres Strait Island and non-Aboriginal people of Australia and the unity of all peoples declared in the Christian Gospel:

(a) calls upon all Anglicans to recognise the existence of racial discrimination in Australia and to work towards
its elimination in their own communities;

(b) encourages the Church to affirm the creative aspects of Aboriginal and Islander culture, and to recruit and
train more Aboriginal Christian leaders;

(c) calls upon the Federal Government to take initiatives with State Governments to make freehold land
available to recognised Aboriginal groups as a foundation for the expression of their spiritual inheritance and cultural identity;

(d) urges the relevant authorities to provide resources in order to encourage self-managed health, welfare, legal
and education services which would lead to satisfying employment, social advancement and involvement for Aboriginal people.

(The Archbishop of Brisbane, 25.8.81)

Resolution year: 1981
Resolution number: 30/81