Licensed Clergy

Anglican Church of Australia Directory 2020-2021

Information on licensed clergy in the Anglican Church of Australia is published in The Anglican Church of Australia Directory. The national directory has been developed by Broughton Publishing and includes information on clergy, parishes, organisations and dioceses.



Depositions, prohibitions and relinquishments

A person may be ordained to the order of bishop, priest or deacon. These are known as Holy Orders.

  • Deposition is removing a person’s right to minister in all the Holy Orders they were ordained in.
  • Prohibition is removing the right to minister in one or more orders.
  • Relinquishment is voluntarily giving up the right to minister in one or more orders.

Depositions, prohibitions and relinquishments are given effect by a bishop executing an instrument of deposition, prohibition or relinquishment.

Under section 8(3) of the Holy Orders (Removal from Exercise of Ministry) Canon 2017 the information in a notice of an executed instrument must be made available to the public.


Notice date Name Notice given by Information
8 May 2018 Bruce William Shaw SSF The Rt Rev’d Dr Peter Stuart, Bishop of Newcastle Criminal conviction for child sexual abuse.
8 May 2018 Lindsay Thomas McLoughlin The Rt Rev’d Dr Peter Stuart, Bishop of Newcastle Criminal conviction for child sexual abuse.
8 May 2018 Andrew Dermot Hanlon The Rt Rev’d Dr Peter Stuart, Bishop of Newcastle Unfitness to remain in ministry.
10 October 2018 Honorio De Jesus Hincapie The Most Rev’d Dr Phillip Aspinall, Archbishop of Brisbane Recommendation from the Diocese of Brisbane Professional Standards Board following allegations about his time in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Wollongong.
4 December 2018 David John Battrick The Rt Rev’d Dr Peter Stuart, Bishop of Newcastle Disgraceful conduct.
4 July 2019 David Mabior Lual The Rt Rev’d Dr Bradly Billings, Vicar General, Diocese of Melbourne Criminal conviction.
17 December 2019 Philip John Warwick Murphy The Most Rev’d Dr Philip Freier, Archbishop of Melbourne Criminal conviction for transmitting child pornography material using a carriage service.
26 March 2020 Douglas John Stevens The Most Rev’d Dr Philip Freier, Archbishop of Melbourne Recommendation from the Diocese of Melbourne Review Board relating to criminal convictions for indecent assault and gross indecency on a person under 16 years.
24 July 2020 Brian Gibson Champness The Rt Rev’d Dr Mark Short, Bishop of Canberra and Goulburn Pled guilty to use of a carriage service to transmit indecent communications to a person under 16 years.
5 March 2021 Douglas Vaughn Morrison-Cleary The Rt Rev’d Dr Peter Stuart, Bishop of Newcastle Scandalous conduct.
12 March 2021 Graeme Lindsay Gaul The Rt Rev’d Mark Calder, Bishop of Bathurst Recommendation of the diocesan Disciplinary Tribunal relating to child physical abuse.
1 February 2022 Roger Herft The Most Rev’d Dr Philip Freier, Archbishop of Melbourne Following the determination of the Episcopal Standards Board dated 8 December 2021 that, pursuant to s49(m) of the Episcopal Standards (Child Protection) Canon 2017, Roger Herft be deposed from Holy Orders.
31 March 2023 Christopher Charles Bird The Rt Rev’d Dr Peter Stuart, Bishop of Newcastle Following the finding of a Professional Standards Board.
21 February 2024 Thomas Karamakuzhiyil The Most Rev’d Geoffrey Smith, Primate of the Anglican Church of Australia Following the recommendation of the Professional Standards Board of the Anglican Diocese of The Murray.



Notice date Name Notice given by Information
24 November 2022 Robert William Harris The Rt Rev’d Donald Kirk Following the recommendation of the Professional Standards Board of the Diocese of Riverina dated 15 November 2022, Robert William Harris
1. Has ceased to hold any office or license in the Diocese of Riverina
2. is prohibited from being licensed to an incumbency of any parish or position of authority in the Diocese of Riverina
3. is restricted from exercising any supervision or pastoral oversight over church workers.
3 February 2023 Zebulan John McKrell The Rt Rev’d Dr Peter Stuart

Following proceedings undertaken in by a Tribunal of the Diocese of Newcastle in accordance with the Clergy Discipline Ordinance 2019, Zebulan John McKrell is:

  1. Removed from the office of the Incumbent of the Parish of Kotara South.
  2. Prohibited from holding himself out as member of the clergy and undertaking any ministry within the Anglican Church of Australia until such time as he is permitted to do so by authority in writing from a Bishop of a Diocese and that no such authority may be given or take effect prior to 3 February 2027.
  3. Prohibited from seeking paid or voluntary work or role in any parish or institution or agency or school within the Diocese without the prior written permission of the Bishop of Newcastle.
  4. may not until permitted to do so by authority in writing from a Bishop of a Diocese (provided that no such authority may be given or take effect prior to 3 February 2027):(i) officiate or act in any manner as a         priest or deacon of this Church; or
    (ii) accept or hold any office in this Church       capable of being held only by a person in         Holy Orders;
    (iii) ceases to have any right, privilege or          advantage attached to the office of priest        or deacon; and
    (iv) shall not hold himself out to be a member  of the clergy.


Notice date Name Notice given by Information
16 August 2018 Thomas Robert Frame The Most Rev’d Dr Glenn Davies, Archbishop of Sydney Relinquishment of Holy Order of bishop
17 December 2019 Deborah Joyce The Most Rev’d Kay Goldsworthy AO, Archbishop of Perth At the conclusion of her last clerical appointment, Deborah Joyce made a personal decision that she no could no longer hold to the oaths taken at ordination
24 September 2020 Daniel John Morris The Rt Rev’d Richard Lewers, Bishop of Armidale Relinquishment of the orders of priest and deacon
6 July 2021 Daniel Abraham The Most Rev’d Dr Philip Freier, Archbishop of Melbourne Relinquishment of Holy Orders of priest and deacon
6 July 2021 Philip Bewley The Most Rev’d Dr Philip Freier, Archbishop of Melbourne Relinquishment of Holy Orders
26 August 2021 Philip Traynor Griffin The Most Rev’d Kanishka Raffel, Archbishop of Sydney Relinquishment of the orders of priest and deacon
10 November 2021 Collin Gregory Acton The Rt Rev’d Dr Mark Short, Bishop of Canberra and Goulburn Relinquishment of Holy Orders of priest and deacon
24 June 2022 Andrew John Howe The Rt Rev’d Dr Matt Brain, Bishop of Bendigo Relinquishment following a period of personal reflection and discernment by the member of clergy
21 August 2023 Joshua David Murphy The Most Rev’d Kanishka Raffel Relinquishment of Holy Orders as deacon
26 April 2024 Philip Andrew Edney The Most Rev’d Kanishka Raffel Relinquishment of Holy Orders as deacon
23 July 2024 Jacob Paolo Legarda The Most Rev’d Kay Goldsworthy Relinquishment of Holy Orders as deacon and priest
20 December 2024 Kenneth Andrew Bechaz The Rt Rev’d Richard Treloar Relinquishment of Holy Orders as deacon and priest
18 March 2025 Sharon Esther Dyson The Rt Rev’d Dr Peter Stuart Relinquishment of Holy Orders as deacon and priest
21 March 2025 Jacqueline Weston The Rt Rev’d Dr Peter Stuart Relinquishment of Holy Orders as deacon and priest