Ministry Organisations

The community is served by a number of ministry organisations associated with the Anglican Church.

There are those which have been established by the General Synod and so are accountable to the General Synod and/or its Standing Committee.

Then there is a range of independent organisations which are active in the Church nationally, assisting and undertaking various forms of mission and ministry. These operate beyond the Church’s national structures and so are neither directly accountable to the General Synod nor its Standing Committee.

Organisations are listed alphabetically.

Anglican Board of Mission (ABM) Ltd

ABM-Australia Ltd is a national Anglican organisation responsible for providing overseas partner Churches with assistance with evangelism, ministry, church and community development, and emergency relief.

Executive Director:  The Rev’d John Deane
Phone:  1300 302 663


Anglican Cursillo Movement

Cursillo is a movement of the church that enables people to grow in their faith and ministry. It provides and encourages supportive fellowship so that each participant might maintain and strengthen their Parish involvement and exercise Christian leadership in all facets of their life.



Anglican Men’s Society (AMS)

ABM-Australia Ltd is a national Anglican organisation responsible for providing overseas partner Churches with assistance with evangelism, ministry, church and community development, and emergency relief.

Executive Director:  The Rev’d John Deane
Phone:  1300 302 663


Bush Church Aid Society (BCA)

Formed in 1919, BCA’s priority is mission to the isolated, remote urban and rural people of Australia. It nurtures Christians in their faith and ministry, strengthens their local communities and provides services of Christian care and advocacy.

The Bush Church Aid Society of Australia – 
intentionally missional since 1836

National Director: The Rev’d Greg Harris

Phone:  02 9262 5017
Fax:  02 9262 5020



Church Army in Australia

“Sending and equipping Evangelists called to reach people beyond existing churches across Australia with the Good News of Jesus Christ”.

Church Army is a society of Evangelists and trainers in evangelism. It works in partnership with parishes to pioneer and enable the development of area evangelism, church planting as well as working with children and youth, older people and the homeless.

Company Secretary:  Mel Hatton 

Phone:  02 4759 1363
Fax:  02 4759 1359

Church Missionary Society (CMS)

CMS is an evangelical, voluntary, lay, church society that is engaged in world mission. It endeavours to make the gospel known through cross-cultural evangelism and by working closely with partner churches in strategic gospel ministries and training.

Federal Secretary:  The Rev’d Canon Peter Rodgers

Phone:  02 9284 6777
Fax:  02 9267 3626

Defence Force Board

The Board is a resource to the Church on all matters concerning ministry to the members of the Australian Defence Force and their families. It administers funds allocated for the support of the Bishop to the Defence Force and assists the Chaplains in their work.

Further details, including membership and contact details, can be found on the Anglican Defence Force Chaplaincy web site:

Office of the Anglican Bishop to the ADF
DSG – Duntroon
Duntroon  ACT  2600
Phone:  02 6265 9707


GFS Australia Inc

GFS Australia Inc is an organisation within the Anglican church which seeks to minister to children, youth and their families. It was formerly known as the Girls Friendly Society.

In recent years to accommodate both the boys and girls now attending our groups in branches across Australia, the name Kids Plus+TM has begun to be used.

The current World Chairman until 2017 is Mrs Val Gribble from Rockhampton.  GFS Australia has for many years had a role mentoring GFS in Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands.

Australian President:  The Rev’d Canon Cheryl Selvage

Mission to Seafarers Council – Australia

The Mission to Seafarers is a world-wide agency of the Anglican Church which cares for seafarers of all nationalities and creeds. As a Christian ministry, the Mission is actively involved in service, prophecy and proclamation within the seafaring community, including seafarers justice and welfare issues. The Mission operates in 23 ports around Australia through a network of chaplains, lay staff and volunteers.

National Executive Officer: Revd Canon Garry Dodd
Phone: (+61)2 4961 5007

MU Australia

Anglican Mothers Union Australia is an organisation that aims to share Christ’s love by encouraging, strengthening, and supporting marriage and family life. As part of the worldwide Mothers’ Union, our Vision is of a world where God’s love is shown through loving, respectful, and flourishing relationships.

Provincial President:  The Rev’d Anne Kennedy


NATSIAC stands for National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Anglican Council.  This Council formally represents the interests of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members of the Church nationally. It assists individuals and communities by providing pastoral care, and it also assists, encourages and resources Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ministries.

There is a NATSIAC Canon which is part of General Synod’s rules and regulations that govern the membership of NATSIAC and give the Council guidelines as to its work and function.  NATSIAC is affiliated internationally with the Anglican Indigenous Network which has a seat on the United Nations.

Chair:  The Rev’d Gloria Shipp
Secretary:  Ms Jen Powe

See also Indigenous Ministry.

Society of St Francis

The Society is one of a half dozen religious orders that are active in Australia whose members live their Christian lives in a communal setting. The Society is a community who strive to be Lesser Brothers of great diversity. Committed to God and to each other through prayer, education and ministry, the brothers witness in many ways to the Gospel of Christ and the vision of St Francis. They aim to be agents of transformation both for each other and for the wider society through their ministries and simplicity of lifestyle.

Minister General:  Brother Clarke Berge
Guardian:  Brother James McDonald
Phone:  07 3391 3915
Fax:  07 3391 3916

SPCK – Australia

The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge-Australia raises and provides funds to assist in creating, producing, distributing and disseminating Christian literature in countries where resources and support are scarce.