Aboriginal Council
Movers Browning, G.V.
That General Synod welcomes the proposed establishment (as soon as possible) of a National Aboriginal Anglican Council for a term of three years; that General Synod accepts the recommended membership of twenty-four and that the initial funding be shared by the General Synod and the Missionary Agencies of the Australian Church; that this General Synod make a financial provision of $10,000 per annum for three years towards the initial funding of the Council; that the National Aboriginal Anglican Council would have the following aims and objectives:
1. To celebrate Aboriginal culture, language and lifestyle within the Anglican Church.
2. To be identified and recognised as a national body of the Anglican Aboriginal people.
3. To develop the “great commission” of Jesus – Matthew 28:19 “Go ye therefore into all the world making disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, and teach them everything I have commanded you”
4. To work towards self determination and development of Aboriginal ministries, within the Anglican Church of Australia.
5. To promote the education of and to be a channel of spiritual growth for the Aboriginal people.
1. Christian outreach and Social welfare.
2. For the Anglican Church to listen to and act upon recommendations of the National Aboriginal Anglican Council.
3. To encourage and develop leadership roles by Aboriginal people.
4. To develop and promote awareness of, and education about racism and prejudices within the churches so as to break down barriers.
and that General Synod continue to recognise Anglican involvement in the Australian Council of Churches Aboriginal and Islander Commission.
(Bishop G.V. Browning – 6-7-92)
Resolution year: 1992
Resolution number: 16/92