Action to contribute to the Paris Climate Accord
Movers Catt, P
The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Catt moving, Dr Beth Heyde seconding,
• the global groundswell of community and industry support for effective and rapid action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the very challenging goal expressed in the 2015 Paris Climate Accord (to limit warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels);
• the critical importance of community action, both in achieving that goal and in leading governments to act;
• the Anglican Communion’s fifth mark of mission: ‘to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth’, and
• General Synod’s Protection of the Environment Canon 2007 which required meaningful action and reporting by participating Dioceses on steps taken to reduce their environmental impact;
The General Synod
1. encourages Federal and State governments in Australia to act quickly to resolve perceived conflicts of interest between the wider community and commercial beneficiaries of fossil fuels, and show leadership in reducing greenhouse gas emissions through effective market mechanisms based on consistent expert recommendations.
2. requests each Diocese that has adopted the Protection of the Environment Canon 2007 to report to the Standing Committee of General Synod in 2018, and to the next meeting of General Synod, on progress in reducing their environmental impact (as required by s.3(1)), with particular emphasis on energy efficiency in order to minimise contributions to global warming.
3. encourages Dioceses to make use of standardised instruments such as the Parish Quick Carbon Self-Report instrument (available through the Public Affairs Commission) in order to develop an internal reporting mechanism.
4. encourages Dioceses to report to the Standing Committee of General Synod in 2018, and to the next meeting of General Synod, on progress made towards divestment from fossil fuels or other measures to improve the ecological sustainability of Diocesan investments portfolios, as encouraged by motion 61/14 of General Synod.
5. encourages Dioceses to engage in teaching and preaching on the theology of the environment.
6. encourages Dioceses to consider the work of the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC) towards spiritually-inspired stewardship in reducing greenhouse gas emissions: and to encourage participation in the work of this multi-faith network and consideration also of secular networks with similar aims to reduce global greenhouse emissions.
8 September 2017
Resolution year: 2017
Resolution number: 62/17