Adjournment of the Synod

Movers Bleby, D.J.


(1) at the conclusion of the sittings of Synod this week the Synod be adjourned until Saturday 21 November 1992
at 10.00 a.m. and if necessary to sit again on the following day at a place to be determined by the Primate, provided that the Primate may cancel such adjourned session if in the meantime either:

(a) the Provisional Canon entitled the Law of the Church of England Clarification Canon 1992 has become a
canon, or
(b) the Constitution Amendment (Section 51) Canon 1992 has come into effect;

(2) the recommittal of the above mentioned Provisional Canon as a bill to a further second reading be an order
of the day for that day.

(Mr D.J. Bleby Q.C. – 10-7-92)

Resolution year: 1992
Resolution number: 64/92