Anglican/Lutheran Churches Dialogue

Movers Walden, G.

That this Synod:
(i) welcomes and gives general support to the Anglican/Lutheran Dialogue Group document: ‘Covenanting for Mutual Recognition and Reconciliation between the Anglican Church of Australia and the Lutheran Church in Australia’;
(ii) believes that this forms an appropriate basis for proceeding towards a national Covenant for Eucharistic hospitality to be implemented at the regional level, subject to further review by the Doctrine Panel of the statements regarding episcopacy, and the Eucharist, with respect to their conformity to the teaching of the New Testament, the 39 Articles, and the Book of Common Prayer and their conformity with other already agreed ecumenical statements, particularly those of ARCIC;
(iii) welcomes the work of the Anglican/Lutheran Dialogue Group and authorises the continuation of that work;
commends the report to be studied at all levels of this Church; and
requests the Dialogue Group to take note of comments and reactions from our two Churches to report to our next respective General Synods.

Bishop G Walden moved, Bishop D Silk seconding,
Carried 25/07/01

Resolution year: 2001
Resolution number: 40/01