Anglican Schools

Movers Aspinall, P.

That this Synod
1. Calls on both the Federal Coalition and the Federal Labor Party to acknowledge that Anglican schools are a significant provider of education in the non-Government sector and seeks a commitment to consult with their representative bodies in the review and formulation of education policy.
2. Affirms that the principles of need, social justice and transparency, together with choice and entitlement should underpin education policy.
3. In the context of the current Federal Election campaign:
3.1 Requests the Federal Coalition to reconsider its policy to bring about a more equitable balance of these principles.
3.2 Requests the Federal Labour Party as a matter of urgency to provide the full details of the funding formula which has been applied in relation to its recently released policy.
3.3 Seeks from both the Federal Coalition and Federal Labor Party a commitment to consult with Anglican education representation bodies prior to the implementing of policies announced during the Election campaign.

Philip [sic] Aspinall – 3 Oct 04

Resolution year: 2004
Resolution number: 31/04