Australian Hymn Book

Movers Bishop of Grafton

That this Synod believing that the time may have come for the making of an Australian Hymn Book which could be used by various Churches requests the Primate to invite the co-operation of other Churches which might be interested in such a venture and to appoint three or more persons to represent the Church of England in Australia in discussions with the representatives of these other Churches and to report to the next session of General Synod.

Further, that if it be found undesirable or impracticable to proceed with the making of a suitable hymn book in common with these other Churches, the persons appointed by the Primate be a committee to make a report to General Synod in regard to the compilation of an Anglican Australian Hymn Book.

(The Bishop of Grafton, 29.9.66)

Resolution year: 1966
Resolution number: 36/66