Australia's Overseas Aid Programme
Movers Patrick, J.F.
That General Synod notes the recent review of Australia’s Overseas Aid Programme and the recommendations given in the Jackson Committee Report;
i) commends the Committee for its recommendations
(a) that country programming for aid be introduced; and
(b) that the Australian Development Assistance Bureau be strengthened to provide a timely and improved
quality of aid:
ii) asks the Commonwealth Government
(a) to have as the primary aim of aid ‘to assist development so that poverty can be overcome’;
(b) to increase such development aid, and in the case of emergencies, to continue emergency relief including
food aid as part of the Australian people’s commitment to these aims;
(c) to take immediate steps to reach the stated and agreed goal for all aid of 0.7% of the GNP by the 1990
iii) deplores the reduction of the amount allocated to overseas aid in the 1985-86 budget – reduced to 0.45%
of the national income as measured by GNP – and urges the Government to make a supplementary
increase in the amount allocated to aid, as an indication of a genuine commitment to and movement
towards the long announced goal of 0.7% of the national income.
iv) in view of the great need in Africa also calls upon the Commonwealth Government not to reduce the total
of aid given to that continent in order to concer5ntrate on our local region;
v) asks dioceses and churches to consider adopting their own local aid budget of 0.7% of expenditure, and
giving that to overseas aid through our partner churches or where appropriate through some Christian aid
(Mr J.F. Patrick, 26.8.85)
Resolution year: 1985
Resolution number: 20/85