Care for the Environment
Movers Wilmot, T.
Care for the Environment
Bishop Tom Wilmot moved, Dr Beth Heyde seconded,
That this Synod:
expresses its strong support for the Principles of Ecologically Sustainable Development which are recognized in the Federal Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act, viz;
ecologically sustainable use
conservation of biodiversity
the precautionary principle
intergenerational equity
2. urges the Government to respect these principles when weighing up competing claims between short term benefits to business and/or the human community and the wellbeing of future human generations and the long term health and sustainability of the more-than-human world;
3. respects, and expects the Government to respect and act upon, relevant independent evidence-based scientific advice as a core basis for making decisions that involve complex trade-offs between present benefits and the justice owed to future generations;
4. expresses grave concern about potential or actual impacts of developments such as coal seam gas extraction, agricultural run-off and dredging on the Great Barrier Reef, and weakening of protection of forests in national parks or reserves in several States;
5. understands that human beings are not to exploit the creation without care for others, but to care for the creation – our world – as God cares for all.
3 July 2014
Resolution year: 2014
Resolution number: 62/14