Child Protection - 2

Movers Blake, G.

The General Synod:
(a) reappoints the Child Protection Committee (Garth Blake SC [Chairperson], Helen Carrig, Bishop David Farrer, Philip Gerber, Marilyn Redlich) and requests it to fulfil the functions of the Professional Standards Commission until its establishment;
(b) approves a budget of $60,000 for 2005 for the Professional Standards Commission and that the additional $5,000 come from the Statutory Assessment Fund;
(c) refers to the Professional Standards Commission:
(i) the preparation of an inventory of the nature and scope of reported abuse within the Church by clergy and church workers;
(ii) the preparation of guidelines for access to information recorded in the National Directory;
(iii) the appropriateness of psycho-sexual assessment of ordination candidates and, if appropriate the preparation of model guidelines for the psycho-sexual assessment of ordination candidates;
(iv) the consideration of a model system for the selection of all church workers;
(v) the preparation of a model curriculum for training in professional ethics in ministry and human sexuality;
(vi) the preparation of a model curriculum for safe ministry training;
(vii) the preparation of model guidelines for a diocesan system of pastoral support for all people in the diocese affected by abuse by clergy and church workers;
(viii) the preparation of a model diocesan scheme of individual care and assistance for all who have directly suffered abuse by its clergy and church workers;
(ix) the preparation of a model agreement between a known abuser of children or other vulnerable people and church leaders for the involvement of the abuser in the parish or church organisation;
(x) the preparation of a model guidelines and resources for the training, functioning and support of accountability and support groups for known abusers within a parish or church organisation; and
(xi) the establishment of a network of those involved in achieving safe ministry practices within the Church and requests the Professional Standards Commission:
(xii) to consult those committees or bodies with the responsibility for Child Protection in the dioceses in the preparation of the model guidelines, systems, curricula, schemes, agreements and resources referred to above; and
(xiii) to liaise with the House of Bishops to identify appropriate teaching resources and develop pastoral guidelines for the hearing of private confessions and to address the particular issues raised by confessions and to address the particular issues raised by confessions of child sexual abuse by a member of the clergy or a church worker or any other person; and
(xiv) to report to the next session of the General Synod as to the progress of the Church in the development and implementation of safe ministry policies and structures;
(d) notes the work of the Liturgy Commission in preparing a liturgical resource following sexual misconduct or abuse by a church worker and refers to the Liturgy Commission the preparation of liturgical resources for the pastoral support of those affected by abuse in consultation with the Professional Standards Commission;
(e) refers to the Ministry Commission:
(i) the preparation of resources for the provision of pastoral support of those affected by abuse in consultation with the Professional Standards Commission; and
(ii) consideration of the introduction, and if appropriate, the preparation of:
(A) a model statement for clergy of the expectations and responsibilities of their roles and their legitimate entitlements at the time of their appointment; and
(B) a model review of the performance of clergy and their ministry support within a parish or church organisation;
(f) refers to the Doctrine Commission the preparation of a report dealing with the Church’s responsibility for the physical, emotional and spiritual welfare and safety of all people within its own community including:
(i) children and other vulnerable people;

Resolution year: 2004
Resolution number: 34/04