Clergy Discipline Working Group
Movers Blake, G.
That the General Synod notes the principles relating to private confessions and the scope of the proviso to Canon 113 of the Canons of 1603, and section 2 of the Canon concerning confessons 1989 set out in the report of the Clergy Discipline Working Group dated 23rd March 2001, and
a) declares that the duty imposed by the proviso to Canon 113 and section 2 of the Canon concerning confessions 1989 applies to a confession made in accordance with the service The Order of the Visitation of the Sick in The Book of Common Prayer, the service of The Ministration to the Sick in An Australian Prayer Book, the service of The Reconciliation of a Penitent in A Prayer Book for Australia, or the last paragraph of the first exhortation in The Order for the Administration of the Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion in The Book of Common Prayer,
b) affirms that the elements of repentance are contrition of heart, full and open acknowledgementof sin, reparation, and amendment of life, and absolution which is received by faith, and
c) endorses “The Way Forward” set out on pages 87-88 of the Report, and therefore, in addition to motions 12 and 13 passed on the 22nd July 2001,
i) requests that the House of Bishops identify appropriate teaching resources and develop pastoral guidelines for the hearing of private confessions,
ii) requests that the House of Bishops as a matter of urgency address the particular issues raised by confessions of child sexual abuse by a member of the clergy or a lay leader.
Mr G Blake moved, Mrs H Carrig seconding,
Carried 26/07/01
Resolution year: 2001
Resolution number: 24/01