Climate Change - Call to the Church

Movers Catt, P

Leave was granted by Synod to move the motion in an amended form.

That this Synod,
A. Noting:
1. Resolution A17:05 of the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC) 2017, in which the ACC recognised that there is a Climate Emergency and called on member churches to respond in ways that are ‘a living testament to our faith’;
2. Resolution A17:06 of the ACC 2017, in which the ACC called upon member churches to work towards building climate resilience;
3. That the 2020 meeting of the General Synod of The Church of England (C of E) called on ‘all parts of the C of E …, to work to achieve year-on-year reductions in emissions and urgently examine what would be required to reach net zero emissions by 2030 in order that a plan of action can be drawn up to achieve that target’.
4. With concern, the lack of progress in the Anglican Church of Australia in reporting on the Protection of the Environment Canon 2007 and reporting on the calculation of emissions as requested in R62/17.
B. Recognises that the global climate emergency is a crisis for God’s creation, and a fundamental injustice, which ultimately stems from rebellion against our Creator and his commands to humans regarding stewardship of his world.
C. Trusts Jesus Christ as ultimate reconciler of all things in creation, through his blood shed on the cross and looks with hope to his promise of a renewed creation.
D. Encourages consideration of the actions involving worship, mission, advocacy, and community participation commended to the Church in ACC 2017 Resolutions A17.05 and A17.06.
E. Encourages the Diocese and Agencies of the Anglican Church of Australia to work towards net zero carbon emissions by 2040, and to consider faster reductions where possible.
F. Urges the Dioceses and Agencies of the Anglican Church of Australia to:
Strengthen their efforts to report on the Protection of the Environment Canon 2007;
Submit their best estimates of carbon emissions on an annual basis to The Standing Committee to enable us as a Province to track our progress toward net zero carbon emissions; and
3. Embrace the actions commended to the Church through ACC 2017 Resolutions A17.05 and A17.06, considered the most appropriate to their contexts.

The Very Rev’d Dr Peter Call moving; The Ven Tiffany Sparks seconding

Resolution year: 2022
Resolution number: 55/18