Defence Chaplaincy

Movers Gallimore, A

The General Synod
thanks God for the wonderful ministry of Anglican Defence Chaplains undertaken in the increasingly difficult climate of growing secularism and pluralism
thanks God for the privileged position and blessed opportunity to still have Christian chaplains living among and ministering to our Defence Force personnel
notes the significant reduction in support for the Bishop provided by Australian Government Department of Defence and encourages each diocese to financially support Defence Chaplaincy by collecting a congregational donation each year on Defence Sunday (the Sunday before Remembrance Day)
affirms the importance of Anglican Defence Chaplaincy as a critical element of the Church’s ministry, notes the benefits to the Church of partnering with Defence Chaplaincy in gospel ministry, notes the strategic importance of having high calibre younger women and men serve as chaplains, and therefore encourages each diocese to work with the Bishop to the Defence Force in recruiting them.

Mr Alan Gallimore moving, The Rev’d Catherine Wynn Jones seconding

Resolution year: 2022
Resolution number: 95/18