Defence Force Chaplaincy
Movers Gallimore, A.
Mr Alan Gallimore moved, Mr Allan Sauer seconded,
That this General Synod welcomes the Report of the Defence Force Board.
Further, that General Synod:
Affirms the ministry of Anglican Chaplains, both full-time and part-time, to members of the Australian Defence Force;
Notes that, for some years, dioceses have been encouraged to hold “Defence Sunday” on the Sunday prior to Remembrance Day (11 November) with the special intention of offering prayers and support to the Defence community, including Defence Chaplains;
Notes that the Australian Lectionary includes three days as special days of prayer as agreed by General Synod (2001), namely: 4th November (when Australian Anglicans and Roman Catholics are asked to pray for each other), the second Sunday in July (Sea Sunday) and the last Sunday in August (prayer for refugees);
Determines that the Sunday prior to Remembrance Day (11 November) be designated “Defence Sunday” and requests the Liturgy Commission to add this to the special days of prayer in the Australian Lectionary;
Notes that the Defence Anglicans web site includes information about Defence Sunday and special prayers that people are invited to use (;
Encourages parishes to invite a Defence Chaplain to visit them on Defence Sunday in order to hear about ministry within the Defence Force, both at home and abroad.
30 June 2014
Resolution year: 2014
Resolution number: 25/14