Doctrine on Apartheid
Movers Morley, J.S.
That the original text of the motion, which reads
“That this Synod notes with concern the growing mood of desperation amongst the black people of South Africa who comprise 84% of the population. It also notes that the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, which warrants the repressive system of law, known as Apartheid, and which denies black people the vote or any part in the decision-making processes of Government and otherwise discriminates against them on the ground of race, claims ‘in humble submission to Almighty God’ to ‘uphold Christian values and civilized norms’.
Accordingly, as an expression of Christian solidity with the repressed black people of South Africa, this Synod affirms the qual rights of all human beings who are made in the image of God, regardless of their racial identity, and the underlying unit-in-diversity of all members f the Body of Christ, and unequivocally declares that the Doctrine of Apartheid is utterly incompatible with the Gospel of Christ and that any theology which supports or condones it is heretical.”
be referred to the International Affairs Commission, Doctrine Commission and Social Responsibilities Commission to report their opinions and decisions to the Standing Committee.
(Archdeacon J.S. Morley, 31.8.85)
Resolution year: 1985
Resolution number: 83/85