Ecumenical Committee
Movers Bishop of Armidale
That this General Synod of the Church of England in Australia hereby elects an Ecumenical Committee whose duties shall be:-
1. To choose representatives of this Church on the Australian Council of Churches and at the assembly of the
World Council of Churches and to fix the term of their membership.
2. To keep the Primate informed of all movements towards reunion and to nominate to him the Anglican
representatives in any official negotiations.
3. To advise the Standing Committee for purposes of voluntary assessment amongst the dioceses of this Church’s
portion of the budget of the Australian Council of Churches and this Church’s contribution to the budget of the World Council of Churches and any other costs the Ecumenical Committee shall from time to time recommend.
4. To encourage the study of the problems of Christian unity and reunion and to hold discussions with other
Christian Churches in Australia on the subject of Christian unity and to report progress at subsequent sessions of General Synod.
5. To meet at least once a year.
(The Bishop of Armidale, 16/5/62)
Resolution year: 1962
Resolution number: 30/62