Election of Primates
Movers St John, R.T.
That the synod requests the Standing Committee of General Synod to take the following action:-
1. To ascertain the rules relating to the election of Primates elsewhere in the Anglican Communion, and the
powers and duties normally associated with such appointments; and to send an outline of the information so obtained to the bishop of each diocese and to such other persons as it may desire to consult.
2. To invite the bishops of each diocese and the other persons mentioned in sub-paragraph 1 hereof to submit in
writing (after they have been supplied with the above information) their views on the future of the Primacy in Australia, including the following questions:-
(a) the future seat of the Primate;
(b) the eligibility of persons nominated for the appointment;
(c) the method of electing the Primate;
(d) the powers and duties of the Primate;
(e) the functions of the Primatial Registry;
(f) any constitutional, financial or other considerations likely to influence a decision as to any proposed
change under item (a) to (e) above.
3. To prepare, after considering the information obtained under sub-paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof, a draft report and
recommendations on the future of the Primacy under the six sub-heading numbered (a) to (f) in sub-paragraph 2 hereof, and to send a copy of the draft report and recommendations to the bishop of each diocese and to the other persons mentioned in sub-paragraph 1 hereof, inviting them to submit in writing their comments on the draft report and recommendations.
4. To consider the comments obtained under sub-paragraph 3 hereof, and then to prepare the final report and
recommendations to be made to General Synod, such final report and recommendations to be sent to each diocese at least six months before the next ordinary session of the General Synod.
(Mr R.T. St John, 16/5/62)
Resolution year: 1962
Resolution number: 33/62