
Movers Sowada, K

General Synod
Reaffirms its principled opposition to euthanasia or physician assisted suicide as
a. a threat to the safety and well-being of the most vulnerable in our society;
b) it overturns the ethics of medicine and healthcare;
c) it undermines the need to provide adequate and appropriate palliative care to all Australians, irrespective of who they are or where they reside;
d) it is opposed by all faiths that share the belief that life is sacred; and
e) it undervalues the positive contribution vulnerable or terminally ill people may make in the lives of others.
2. Strongly opposes all existing or proposed legislation that imposes on faith-based organisations opposing euthanasia or physician assisted suicide, a legal obligation to facilitate, support or permit euthanasia or physician assisted suicide, as an assault on religious freedom.
3. Commends Victoria and Western Australia for recognising institutional conscientious objection grounds, and permitting faith-based organisations to choose to neither facilitate nor support nor permit euthanasia or physician assisted suicide.
4. Calls on the NSW Parliament to oppose the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2021 and if that is not possible, to amend Part 5, Division 2 of the Bill, to permit faith-based organisations who oppose euthanasia or physician assisted suicide, to refuse, on the grounds of institutional conscientious objection, to participate in, facilitate or permit euthanasia or assisted suicide in or at their premises or facilities or services in any way.

Karin Sowada moving, Denise Cooper-Clarke seconding

Resolution year: 2022
Resolution number: 107/18