Families and Culture Commission

Movers Sowada, K

The General Synod, noting the results of the National Anglican Family Violence Research Project, the scope of prevention work outlined in the Ten Commitments made by the Church and the long-term nature of culture change
a) ratifies the new Families and Culture Commission established by the General Synod Standing Committee
b) confirms the functions of the Families and Culture Commission to be
I. to examine questions that relate to family violence affecting members of the Church, the drivers of violence and the well-being of families and women referred to it by the Primate, the Standing Committee or the General Synod, and to report thereon to the referring party and to the Standing Committee, and
II. to make recommendations to the Standing Committee on matters relating to family violence affecting
members of the Church, violence prevention and the well-being of families and women
c) confirms that any resolutions at this Synod which referred tasks to the Family Violence Working Group will now be referred to the Families and Culture Commission.

Dr Karin Sowada moving, the Rev’d Tracy Lauersen seconding

Resolution year: 2022
Resolution number: 65/18