Federal Gambling Reform

Movers Bird, M

The General Synod notes that the Bible says “Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honours God” (Proverbs 14.31). Therefore it joins the Alliance for Gambling Reform in calling on the next federal Parliament:

to ban all sports gambling advertising on TV, radio and online, (or at least before 10.00pm at night);
to complete legislative changes to ban the use of credit cards for gambling, including online, directly or through third party payment systems like digital wallets;
to expand the national consumer protection framework to regulate casinos and online gambling at a national level, for example by creating a national casino regulator and an online gambling ombudsman;
to ban donations from any gambling license holder, including Board or committee members of gambling license holders, or their peak bodies to political parties and candidates.

The General Synod requests the General Secretary to communicate the terms of the resolution to the national Leaders of all political parties represented in the federal Parliament before the imminent federal election, and to ensure that all members and senators of the newly convened Parliament are advised of the terms of this resolutions as soon as possible after the election is declared.

The Rev’d Dr Michael Bird moving, The Very Rev’d Sandy Grant seconding

Resolution year: 2022
Resolution number: 60/18