Financial Reporting

Movers McAteer, B.

That this General Synod:

a) recognises the importance of responsible, professional and transparent financial reporting at all levels within
this church, but especially at national and diocesan level, as being essential to our stewardship and risk management processes;

b) congratulates the Diocesan Financial Advisory Group (DFAG) [chaired by Mr. Bill Shields,] for encouraging
dioceses to fully adopt the Australian International Financial Reporting Standards (AIFRS), being the accepted accounting framework in Australia; and

c) requests the Standing Committee of the General Synod to continue to support the ministry of DFAG by
regularly reviewing progress by dioceses in implementing best practice financial reporting through the adoption of AIFRS in diocesan accounts, as well as those of related entities such as their development or deposit funds.

The Revd Canon Bruce McAteer moved, Bishop John Harrower seconding, 20 Oct 07.

Resolution year: 2007
Resolution number: 28/07