Future Issues

Movers Goodhew, R.H.

That –

(1) This Synod notes the challenge and opportunity presented by changes in Australian society and consciousness for the effective mission of this church, as reflected in the results of the National Church Life Survey.
(2) The Standing Committee of General Synod be requested to appoint a Task Force to advise on future issues, including a proposed definition of the mission of our church for today, with consequent strategies and priorities, and report to Standing Committee and the next session of General Synod as a matter of priority.
(3) This Synod calls on all Agencies in this church to adopt strategies which will enable a more effective engagement with our fellow Australians and the Gospel of Christ. In particular this Synod affirms the importance, at this time, of:
(i) the need for all Australians to hear the unique message of God’s grace in Christ;
(ii) more effective and relevant style of community life;
(iii) more flexible terms for the appointment and deployment of clergy;
(iv) the development of leadership skills and styles in our church which will move us to mission and enable the necessary changes that result;
(v) the development of strategies to train clergy gifted in rescuing struggling parishes and in the planting of new churches;
(vi) more effective support for the contribution of Christians as citizens in this society;
(vii) more effective deployment of resources for the provision of theological education for lay and ordained.
(viii) effectively affirming and encouraging laity in their life vocation by resourcing them from within church structures.
(ix) The need for more effective theological reflection and apologetics engaging intellectual and cultural life.
(4) This Synod invites each diocese to develop indicators by which effectiveness in promoting the Gospel might be measured, such indicators to be the subject of a report to the next session of General Synod.
(5) This Synod requests the Ministry and Training Commission to review their report to Synod in view of the recent NCLS report on church vitality and the possible need for additional training for minimum requirements for ordination to the Diaconate, Priesthood and the Episcopate. Such a review to take into account the seven indicators of vitality shown in the NCLS and the equipping of leaders to be outwardly focused and vision orientated.

[Archbishop R.H. Goodhew – 19-2-98]

Resolution year: 1998
Resolution number: 53/98