General Synod Arrangements

Movers Mullins, D

The General Synod gratefully thanks –
The President, Archbishop Geoff Smith,
The Chair of Committees and the Deputy Chairs of Committees,
for their careful carriage of the business of the General Synod;
The Clerical Secretary and the Lay Secretary;
The President’s Chaplain;
The Diocese of Brisbane for their generous assistance with local arrangements;
The members of the Minutes Reading Committee;
The members of the Election and Qualifications Committee;
The Liturgy Committee, worship leaders and chaplains;
Our Bible Reflection leaders;
The Media Team;
Those who have supported this General Synod through travel arrangements, event management, The RACV Resort;
The General Secretary, Ms Anne Hywood, and the General Synod Office team for their work which has provided for such a smooth and successful meeting;
The Primate’s Executive Assistant;
and all members of the General Synod.

Justice Debra Mullins OA moving, Rt Rev’d Cameron Venables seconding

Resolution year: 2022
Resolution number: 111/18