General Thanks
Movers Herft, R.
This Synod gratefully thanks:
The President, Archbishop Phillip Aspinall;
The Chairman of Committees, Mr Ian Walker; The Deputy Chairmen of Committees, Justice David Bleby and Mr Justice Peter Young; Mr Eric Ross-Adjie;
The Clerical Secretary, The Venerable Lionel Snell; the Lay Secretary, Ms Ann Skamp ably assisted by Ms Susan Harvey;
The Diocese of Melbourne and Bishop-in-Council and, in particular, members of the Melbourne Local Arrangements Committee:
The Right Reverend John Noble
Dr Muriel Porter
The Reverend Canon Colleen O’Reilly
Mr John McKenzie
Mr Rob Till, Event Manager
The teams of volunteers who have so willingly and generously offered us their assistance. Without this team this Synod would not have operated as effectively and efficiently as it has;
The Melbourne Grammar School for allowing us the use of this splendid venue and for their Hospitality and Catering team;
The generous sponsorship of:
Acorn Press
Allied Pickford
Anglican Board of Mission – Australia
Anglican Insurance Scheme
Anglican National Super
Anglican Youth Works
Australian Church Embroiderers
Australian Hymn Book Company
Christian Super
Defence Force Board
FCM Travel
General Synod Archives
Kinlar Vestments
Ridley College
St Peter’s Book Room
Trinity College
The Media Team, particularly Mr Leigh Arnold; Media Co-ordinator and media officers from several dioceses together with Ms Michelle Low and Ms Lisa Cowell, Media Officers for their attention to the publicity of issues before us at this Synod;
Our ecumenical guests for their prayerful presence:
Dr Clare Amos for her insightful and challenging Bible studies;
The Reverend Dr Rienzie Perera for his presence with us and for his address to the Synod on the Christian Conference of Asia;
Finally, the Staff in the General Synod Office:
Mr James Flavin, Business Manager
Mrs Kerrie Zabaks, the General Secretary’s Executive Assistant;
Ms Shirall Mayers, the Long Service Leave Manager;
Ms Renee Tudehope, Accountant;
Ms Mary Phipps-Ellis, National Register Officer;
Ms Joanne Burgess, Archivist
Ms Kathia Alberti, Administrative Assistant.
The General Secretary Mr Martin Drevikovsky for his efficient work behind the scenes and for enabling this Synod to keep us engaged, allowing for difference and a generosity of spirit to be fostered for the sake of Christ’s mission in the world.
Archbishop Roger Herft moved, Bishop Kay Goldsworthy seconding, 23 Sept 10
Resolution year: 2010
Resolution number: 161/10