
Movers Sandeman, P

The General Synod –
Notes that:
a) More than a million people across Australia live on government payments that do not cover the cost of housing, food, transport and healthcare.
b) The next generation is paying the price of poverty. Over one million children live in households reliant on JobSeeker. Living on JobSeeker is the biggest contributing factor behind growing up in poverty.
c) The Government has previously briefly raised the rate of JobSeeker above the poverty line, lifting hundreds of thousands of people out of poverty. It has the power to do this again.
2. Calls for:
a)An immediate raise to the rate of JobSeeker above the poverty line.
b) An independent Social Security Commission with the power to set government payments, to make sure payments never again fall below the poverty line.
c) Redesign of the Jobactive System to encourage more effective participation in job search and training, and also to recognise better the legitimate contributions made by those receiving JobSeeker benefits who engage in formal volunteering or providing unpaid care.

The Rev’d Prof Peter Sandeman moving, Dr Carolyn Tan seconding

Resolution year: 2022
Resolution number: 54/18