Lay Readers Commission

Movers Short, K.H.

That this General Synod appoint a Commission:

(i) To make a survey of the history, office and ministry of (Lay) Readers, in the Anglican Church of Australia up to
and including this present time;

(ii) to formulate a statement of what the function and status of (Lay) Readers in this Church should be;

(iii) to consult with the Liturgical Commission, and if thought advisable, to prepare an Order of Service for the
Admission of Reader to the Office of Reader which may be authorised for use throughout this Church;

(iv) to present its report (and, if thought appropriate, a bill to bring the report into being) to the next session of
General Synod;

that this Commission shall consist of the following:

(a) two diocesan bishops chosen by the members of the House of Bishops’;

(b) two members of the House of Clergy and two members of the House of Laity chosen by the Standing
Committee of General Synod;

(c) not more than four other persons of competence3 including at least three people personally holding a
bishop’s licence as a Reader in this Church, to be co-opted by the above members of the Commission;

(d) the Senior Bishop to convene the first meeting. The travelling costs of one meeting to be met from
General Synod budget.

(Bishop K.H. Short, 26.8.81)

Resolution year: 1981
Resolution number: 35/81