Life System of the Planet
Movers Bishop of Bendigo
That the motion (moved by Archdeacon I.G. George for the Reverend J.B. Minchin by leave, and printed below) be referred to the Social Responsibilities Commission.
(The Bishop of Bendigo, 25-8-89)
That this Synod:
i) Identifies four inter-related areas in which the misuse of people or resources pose a threat to the life system of
the planet, namely
(a) unjust distribution of the world’s wealth,
(b) social injustice within nations,
(c) the rise of militarism,
(d) irreversible damage to the environment,
and therefore
ii) (a) commends to all dioceses participation in the WCC’s programme for ‘Justice, Peace and the Integrity of
(b) urges dioceses, congregations and individual Christians to support actively all other agencies which share
this urgent concern. In particular it comments a widespread study of the United Nations report Our Common Future and participation in the local responses it requires; and
(c) encourages people everywhere to make changes, personnel and corporate, in their attitudes and lifestyle,
recognising that wholeness of living requires a right relationship with God, one’s neighbour, and creation.
Resolution year: 1989
Resolution number: 58/89