Liturgy Commission
Movers Smith, E.
That this Synod:
(a) affirms that an ordered, public reading of the holy scriptures in their fullness is a fundamental principle of doctrine and worship in the Anglican tradition, the dilution of which should not be contemplated.
(b) expresses its appreciation to the Liturgy Commission for its response to the Day of Mourning following the Indian Ocean tsunami and affirms that when such resources are needed urgently, the Chair with two nominated members of the Commission be authorised to act.
(c) welcomes the resources issued by the Liturgy Commission on the environment, situations following the disclosure of abuse, services where children are present, and further resources related to marriage, and commends them to the Anglican Church of Australia for use and response.
(d) receives and welcomes the 2005 Report of the International Anglican Liturgical Consultation (the “Prague Report”) on “Liturgy and Anglican Identity” as a contribution to considering worship in a mission-shaped church, and commends it to all members of the Anglican Church of Australia.
(e) commends the Liturgy Commission for its programme of Workshops Encouraging Liturgical Life (WELLS), and encourages it to further develop its educational role.
(f) encourages the Liturgy Commission to continue its work on Holy Communion services, including musical settings, new Thanksgiving Prayers, and supplementary seasonal material.
The Revd Elizabeth Smith moved, the Revd Canon Jill Varcoe seconding, 25 Oct 07
Resolution year: 2007
Resolution number: 97/07