Millennium Development Goals 1
Movers Cleary, R.
That this General Synod:
a) notes that the adoption of the Millennium Declaration, by 188 Heads of State and/or Government at the Millennium Summit in September 2000, as a framework for building global peace and security and that within that Declaration the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) established the framework for international action to end Global Poverty by 2015;
b) notes that half way to 2015, a number of the specific targets within the MDGs will not be achieved by that date;
c) urges the Australian Government to adopt the MDGs as the fundamental framework for its Development Cooperation Program and to accept the specific goals as targets by which to measure the achievements of that program as one element of Australia’s contribution to global poverty eradication as it works with developing countries in the Asia Pacific region as well as those in sub-Saharan Africa where the achievement of the MDGs by 2015 seems most unlikely;
d) notes the commitment by the Australian Government to increase the level of Official Development Assistance (ODA) to $4 Billion by 2010, just 0.4% of GNI, and the commitment by the ALP to increase ODA to 0.5% of GNI by 2015 but expresses its profound regret that neither major party has established a firm date for the achievement of the internationally accepted target of 0.7% of GNI as ODA; and
e) encourages the Australian Government to continue to work with other like-minded nations for the successful conclusion of the so-called Doha Round of the WTO’s multilateral trade negotiations and other measures, including initiatives which will address the causes and consequences of climate change, which together will contribute to the achievement of the MDGs.
Canon Ray Cleary moved, Bishop Peter Tasker
seconding, 22 Oct 07.
Carried with acclamation
Resolution year: 2007
Resolution number: 45/07