Millennium Development Goals 2
Movers Cleary, R.
That this General Synod:
a) notes the 1998 Lambeth Resolution 1.15 which encouraged each Diocese to fund international development
programs recognised by their Diocese at a level of at least 0.7% of annual Diocesan income and welcomes the commitment of a significant number of the Dioceses of the Anglican Church of Australia to that target in response to the Lambeth Resolution;
b) notes that the TEAM (Towards Effective Anglican Mission) Conference held at Boksburg in South Africa in
March 2007 affirmed the Anglican Communion’s commitment to the MDGs and challenged the Provinces of the Church to respond;
c) affirms its commitment to the MDGs and calls on member Dioceses to affirm their commitment to the MDGs;
d) encourages dioceses to reflect that commitment by implementing Lambeth Resolution 1.15 by providing funds
to recognised international development programs particularly through the Australian Anglican mission, relief and development agencies such as Anglican Board of Mission Australia (ABM-A), AngliCORD and ORAF (the Archbishop of Sydney’s Overseas Relief and Aid Fund); and
e) urges the General Synod Office and the Public Affairs Commission to support Dioceses as they consider and
implement these recommendations, monitor progress by Dioceses and report the steps taken to the Australian Church.
Canon Ray Cleary moved, Bishop Peter Tasker seconding, 22 Oct 07 Carried with acclamation
Resolution year: 2007
Resolution number: 46/07