Mission at home and overseas

Movers Bishop of Armidale

That General Synod

i) rejoices in the involvement of congregations of the Australian Church and their members, in the task of
bringing the Gospel of Salvation through Jesus Christ to all men and women, both overseas and in Australia; and

ii) rejoices with the agencies of mission in their involvement in the common task of mission along with Partner

Further, Synod

i) encourages the Church in its dioceses and parishes to pray that God may raise up suitably qualified Australians
for work with Partner Churches, and to preach the Gospel in areas presently untouched by the Church, and

ii) encourages the Church to place the task of mission at home and overseas in the forefront of the thinking and
action of all its members, that they may become actively involved in prayer and financial support and to this end urges the setting aside of a minimum sum of 10% of parish income for missionary outreach.

(Bishop of Armidale, 31.8.85)

Resolution year: 1985
Resolution number: 77/85