Missions to Seamen

Movers Bishop of North West Australia

That this Synod affirms the following resolution of the Lambeth Conference 1988″

this Conference thanks God for the world-wide Missions to Seamen which began its work in 1856. It supports and endorses the remarkable way in which the Society has adapted its ministry to charged circumstances, acknowledging the fact that there is no part of the church which has greater ecumenical involvement and experience; that it is deeply involved in dialogue with people of other faiths every day; and tat through the Centre for Seafarers’ Rights and through almost every member of staff, it is daily involved in issues of social justice. The Conference, encouraged by the appointment of Liaison Bishops throughout the Anglican communion, accepts the Ministry and Mission of the Society as the Mission of the Church to all seafarers, regardless of creed, class or colour.

and affirms the work of the Missions to Seamen in Australia together with the work of the Australian Council.

(The Bishop of North West Australia, 21-8-89)

Resolution year: 1989
Resolution number: 17/89