Mr Neil Cameron
Movers Tong, R.
Dr Robert Tong AM moved, Dr Laurie Scandrett seconded,
That this Synod notes that this will be the last General Synod that Mr Neil Cameron will be a representative for the Diocese of Sydney.
This Synod gives great thanks to Neil’s pithy and sententious service to the Anglican Church of Australia through his continuous membership of this Synod from the Fourth General Synod in 1973 to the Sixteenth General Synod in 2014.
This Synod particularly notes his insightful time on the General Synod Standing Committee and his perceptive service on the Church Law Commission during the period when the Canons of 1603 were revised for Australian use.
Finally this Synod wishes Neil and Marcia, God’s every blessing for the future.
3 July 2014
Resolution year: 2014
Resolution number: 71/14