National Anglican Caring Organisations Network

Movers Kyme, B.R.

That General Synod:

(a) note with pleasure the establishment and continuing development of the National Anglican Caring
Organisations Network (NACON) under the sponsorship of the Social Responsibilities Commission;
(b) recognises the significant contribution made by Anglican welfare organisations t the well-being of the
Australian community, and endorses their efforts to create a clearer sense of their national identity;
(c) call on dioceses, parishes and individuals to continue their support of these organisations as an expression
of the diaconal role of the christian community; and
(d) receive the motions from the NACON Conference held in Brisbane in February, 1992, and which are included
in the report of the Social Responsibilities Commission at the request of NACON.

(Bishop B.R. Kyme – 10-7-92)

Resolution year: 1992
Resolution number: 51/92