National Anglican Family Violence Project

Movers Lauersen, T

The General Synod receives the reports of the National Anglican Family Violence Project commissioned by the Anglican Church of Australia Standing Committee:
I. National Anglican Family Violence Research Report: for the Anglican Church of Australia
II. NAFVP Prevalence Study Report,
III. NAFVP Clergy and Lay Leaders Study Report, and
IV. NAFVP Experience Study Report, and
a) notes the 28 findings of the Research Project
b) laments the violence which has been suffered by some of our members and repents of the part we have played in allowing an environment where violence went unaddressed
c) requests dioceses to respond to the findings of the National Family Violence Project and to introduce and develop primary prevention strategies and pastoral responses relating to family violence.

The Rev’d Tracy Lauersen moving, the Very Rev’d Sandy Grant seconding

Resolution year: 2022
Resolution number: 63/18