Ordering of Business

Movers Bleby, D.J.

That so much of Standing Orders be suspended and the effect of all previous procedural motions passed by the Synod be suspended to such extent as would prevent the following procedures from being adopted for today’s proceedings:

1. That item 11(9) be taken after item 11(4);
2. That no new legislative business be commenced after 12.30 p.m.;
3. That subject to completion of outstanding legislative business commenced but uncompleted at 12.30 p.m.,
motions having financial ramifications be taken in order as they appear on the notice paper;
4. That subject to completion of motions having financial ramifications, item 12(1) on the notice paper be an
order of the day for 7.15 p.m.;
5. That the following time limits apply to speeches:
movers of motions – 10 minutes
seconders of motions – 5 minutes
other speeches – 3 minutes;
6. That the Synod rise at 10.00 p.m., and unfinished business be referred to the Standing Committee.

(Mr D.J. Bleby Q.C. – 10-7-92)

Resolution year: 1992
Resolution number: 46/92